Europe Plans To Reduce Gas Dependency On Russia With Energy-Saving Schemes

April 28, 2024
Europe Plans To Reduce Gas Dependency On Russia With Energy-Saving Schemes -
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In the current scenario, a large part of Europe has united together against Russia. Plans and strategies are being deployed to curtail the dependency on Russia for gas. Smarter energy solutions are needed for householders and business. 

Soaring Energy Costs in Britain

The energy bills in Britain are now reaching record highs as the country's energy regulator increased its price cap by a record-breaking 54% (1). Millions of homes might see their energy costs jump by roughly £700 per year as a result of the new price cap. The quick escalation in rhetoric against Russia exacerbates the UK's energy issue since inflation is expected to reach new highs, as many experts have predicted (2). Indeed, one study finds that the Russian war on Ukraine is causing persistent inflation, high energy prices, weak real household income growth, falling confidence, and tighter financial conditions affecting almost all economies, including the UK, and will continue to do so even in 2024.(3)

Introducing InsOpaint Ultra by Thermilate Technologies

Thermilate Technologies, recognized for its provision of paint and coating insulation solutions to properties and major blue-chip companies worldwide, is launching a 25-year developed Energy saving paint named "Insopaint Ultra" to assist households to “simply paint and insulate” their homes resulting in a greater insulation effect. As evident, when most radiators are turned on, it results in a loss of up to  30% of heat through the wall. Whether a wall is insulated or not, the heat travels around the room before it heats the wall, resulting in unnecessary energy losses. This is worse for new built homes with no insulation at all. 

InsOpaint Ultra is a High Performance Paint that allows home walls to have an extremely effective insulation barrier when the paint has dried. When painted on the interior, the paint will Reflect heat off the wall and back into the room, helping less heat to be lost, homes heat up in less time and stay warmer while reducing energy consumption (without compromising any room space). Alternatively in summer climates, when applied to the exterior, it will prevent the amount of heat gain by reflecting hot air from being absorbed through your walls reducing the pressure on heating and cooling all year round

Proven Performance and Environmental Impact

In fact, Thermilate Technologies has now emerged as the only insulating paint and coating in the world that has been scientifically tested, proven by top laboratories around the world, used on over 10s of millions of square feet worldwide, and by the top companies in the world, including coca-cola, Rolls Royce, major hotels, Aircraft hangers and many more. 

One of the key spokesmen for the company was quoted as saying, "We are aware of the energy crisis and the situation of the war as well. We know that dealing with this energy crisis is really important if Europe wants to keep the sanctions on Russia intact and not let it overpower. So, if you're painting this year, our wide range of insulation paints and primers can ensure you're doing the most for your property to keep energy costs in check whilst decorating."

Thermilate Technologies has partnered with to offer huge discounted prices and promotional offers to consumers. Under this initiative, will help consumer reduce renovation costs by offering consumer goods at 50% lower cost when customers purchase products fresh on-demand directly from the factory, helping them get the highest quality goods at lower costs. As evident, these new practices in manufacturing paint helps reduce the carbon dioxide in the industry currently caused by paint waste, which emits 1,000,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

The company is environmentally conscious from raw materials to end consumer,  encouraging more and more people not just to paint their homes but simply "InsOpaint" as it is a great way to keep the temperature regulated and conserve energy. is currently offering a lucrative £100 discount on InsOpaint ULtra.


About Themilate Technologies

Themilate Technologies has been making some of the finest insulated paint, which top companies like Rolls Royce have used. ARAMCO, Dubai Mall, to mention a few. Offering home products ranging from InsOplast to InsOfloor, the company makes the best use of the latest developments in nanotechnology to design the right products.


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