Hot And Cold Weather Impacting Homes Putting UK Under Rising Energy Prices

April 28, 2024
Hot And Cold Weather Impacting Homes Putting UK Under Rising Energy Prices -
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The increasing cost of energy has become a significant concern for homeowners and businesses, particularly during sudden seasonal changes that require more appliances to be used, creating a greater demand for energy-efficient solutions.

Thermilate technology has provided a proven solution, and they have partnered with to make it affordable, eco-friendly, and accessible to everyone.

Energy Consumption Challenges

As the weather changes all year round through warm and cold seasons, UK homes are constantly pressured with energy consumption. In fact, 64% of energy is used on space heating (1). As up to 30% of heat is lost and gained during these seasons through walls, homeowners are now unnecessarily paying for up to 30% of wasted energy (2). Traditional insulation methods can cost up to £13,000 (3), which is unaffordable for many homeowners. This is why most homeowners and businesses are eagerly looking for low-cost insulating methods.

InsOpaint Ultra: Revolutionary Insulating Solution

This is where Thermilate Technologies brings a revolutionary yet much affordable insulating solution to all properties. InsOpaint Ultra Energy Saving Paint is a high-grade, insulating paint that reflects heat off your walls and back into the room, rather than wasting energy heating up cold walls, helping rooms heat up faster, especially in winter climates. As heat loss occurs through both insulated and uninsulated walls, this is a revolutionary non-space-consuming solution. InsOpaint ULTRA can be used on the interior, exterior, and flooring to prevent heat loss in winter and deflect hot air from entering through your walls during summer climates, helping homeowners enjoy a more comfortable room all year round while saving energy. Its breathability and thermal efficiency features allow it to provide the ultimate solution to condensation and eliminate mould and damp problems.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

This paint can instantly reduce carbon footprints and monthly heating expenditures. In fact, InsOpaint ULTRA’s Technology has been tested and proven in government laboratories and used for over 30 years across tens of millions of square feet worldwide, making them incredibly effective at providing both functional and beautiful, low-cost decorative insulation. This leads to an incredible win-win situation for homeowners who can now choose to decorate their homes, simply decorate and insulate, and save money all year round. Two coats of Insopaint interior can turn any house into a far more energy-efficient, less expensive, and easier-to-maintain home.

One of the key spokesmen for the company was quoted as saying, "One of our top-selling products has to be our InsOpaint Range. With 25 years of research and development, We've released InsOpaint Ultra proving more insulating advantages. We are proud of how far we have come. Unlike other products on the market, without guaranteeing their product working, we use a secret formula that our team has devised. It is extremely efficient as using our products has helped people cut their bills drastically."

The company is so confident about its products that they offer a hundred percent money-back guarantee.

They are willing to bet on everyone that using their thermal products will surely help get the aid of the energy crisis in the right manner.

Those who would like to buy their exclusive products can benefit from a £100 voucher off InsOpaint ULTRA if visiting their partner's official website at



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