Save Money By Decorating Your Home During The Energy Crisis

April 28, 2024
Save Money By Decorating Your Home During The Energy Crisis -
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 Due to the escalation of energy and utility expenses, both businesses and households are compelled to search for new energy-saving solutions to curtail their bills. As a result, there is an urgent requirement for a fresh approach to address this issue.

 UK Energy Crisis

The United Kingdom is engulfed in an energy crisis problem as energy bills are expected to rise by a huge £700 for the average UK household in the last 1 year, especially after the announcement of the regulator's new price cap (1). With a big chunk of family budgets being spent on energy bills, people are now looking to reduce the amount of gas and electricity in use, pushing them to find new ways to save on their energy bills

Introducing InsOpaint ULTRA by Thermilate Technologies

When up to 35% of heat is lost from the walls of a home, you end up paying for the energy that is consistently getting wasted (2). In the decorating industry and consumer energy saving communities, Thermilate Technologies has made a mark by offering homeowners InsOpaint ULTRA Energy saving paint, a unique, patent protected, high performance paint that saves energy by reflecting heat back into the room, preventing the amount heat loss in winter and preventing heat gain in summer when applied on the exterior, thus saving homeowners money on utility bills all year round.

Innovative Insulation Technology

When less heat is lost from your rooms, then faster your room can be heated and less energy is needed. This helps InsOpaint ULTRA to offer a very low-cost insulation method, which complements traditional insulation methods without compromising any space. On average, every household spends close to £2000 a year on heating and power (3), and thereby energy is one of the biggest overheads.

Thanks to their modern and new nanotechnology Scientifically tested & proven in top worldwide laboratoires and government bodies, Thermilate has gained the approval of major blue chip businesses worldwide including Coca Cola, Rolls Royce, IKEA, Holiday inn in addition to many others. Thermilates Technology has been beneficial in commercial and luxury properties for more than 25 years in reducing major utility bills. And now, they are bringing out InsOPaint ULTRA with 25 years of extensive development to offer all households and businesses to save energy and reduce carbon footprints which can be extremely handy and efficient when handling the ongoing energy crisis.

One of the key spokesmen for the company was quoted as saying, "We have studied the energy market closely and found that there is an acute crisis. We wanted to offer the kind of insulation paint that will help shield the homes and reduce the heat significantly. Once we found how effective paint is, we also decided to expand to other products. We say: Don't just paint, InsOpaint, and save money and time and reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint."

Environmental Impact and Money-Back Guarantee

InsOpaint ULTRA products are made to contain extremely low VOC levels, water-based and eco-friendly and come with features that offer the best long-term value. InsOpaint ULTRA technology doesn't stop only at  protecting against extreme weather conditions, its formulation to also provide surfaces unrivaled breathability combined with thermal efficiency delivers a groundbreak solution to surfaces prone to mould, like no other paint .

With the partnership between Thermilate technologies with consumers can now enjoy the benefit of a £100 off 5L OF InsOpaint Ultra  freshly made on order in the UK- using the highest quality of ingredients. As a result, consumers will be able to find good quality paint when also looking to cut down their home renovation costs. Homeowners can now decorate and improve the thermal efficiency of their home while lowering their energy bills.

The company also gives a 100 percent money-back guarantee, and 97 percent of their consumers said that they would recommend them as it helped them make their homes warmer and eliminated the problem of mould.

Thermilate has now partnered with to provide huge discounted prices and promotional offers to consumers. An attractive offer of £20 off on the first purchase is ongoing. Use the code VIPINVITE20 to claim this amazing offer and make great savings.

About Thermalite Technologies

Thermalite Technologies has been providing insulating solutions for over 25 years, which has been used by top companies like Rolls Royce, Coca cola, Holiday inn and many more. Offering home products ranging from InsOplast to InsOfloor, the company makes the best use of the latest developments in nanotechnology to design the right products.




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